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Turning Fear Into Freedom

Helen Glen in Life Coaching 11/08/2022 0 Comments

Small Business Mums Here Are Three Little Lies We Tell Ourselves

If you want to change you life, YOU need to honestly confess your beliefs and change your attitude, ask for help!

My world came crashing down when the world recession hit, and my 7-figure business collapsed. Then, the word ‘DIVORCE’ was spelt out loud and clear as my marriage was coming to an abrupt end. My business partner (and ex husband) disappeared to live overseas and I was left sitting in a world of chaos. This fabulous business was fast failing, financial debt was looming, a global recession was impending, and I felt like I had no-one to turn to.

I was bewildered, lost and lonely.

My three children and I were now left homeless. Gone was the familiar lifestyle I had worked so hard for. We lost our beautiful home, the cabin cruiser that my son took us out for was gone, our holiday home went on the market, and my much-loved car sold.

All these luxuries that I once took for granted were becoming nothing but a distant memory.

I was struggling to survive both emotionally and physically, and I was financially ruined.

My feelings of loneliness and fear were palpable.

That’s the silent pain of grief and loss; my soul was depleted and hollow.

I found myself fending for my three children and supporting them the best way I could.

However, from the dark, we found light.

My children and I were stronger than ever. We bonded as a family unit despite only having $3 in the bank for food.

Don’t get me wrong, I know that I am a resilient woman. Back then, I knew I had to pick myself up from the bathroom floor, and soldier on as a single mother. That’s the innate thing about motherhood, our lioness spirit will always win. My children needed me as ‘present’.

They needed security, regular mealtimes, and a home that they felt safe in.

It was my job to deliver these things to my children, so that is what I did.

We were managing or so I thought. But I never bargained for what came next.

I had the heart-breaking experience of watching my teenage son go through a breakdown. My darling boy suffered from serious mental illness, and drug dependence. For years, we were in and out of the hospital as he battled his illnesses.

Deep down, I knew that he silently missed his father who moved away to live in Russia. Most of the time, we didn’t know if his father, and my ex-husband were alive or dead. Our communication was that bad and my heart aches just writing this now.

It was a non-stop worry and my life felt out of control.

I am so sorry if the next part triggers you, but it is important for me to share the next part, so you can trust that I know grief. In fact, I know grief too well.

Whilst married to my former husband, we lost our son at birth. This tragic loss knocked me to my core.

Deep down, I knew that he silently missed his father who moved away to live in Russia. Most of the time, we didn’t know if his father, and my ex-husband were alive or dead. Our communication was that bad and my heart aches just writing this now.

This loss nearly broke me. That was until, I was to grieve the loss of my teenage son, Justin, who was murdered by a group of unsuspecting strangers.

This absolutely broke me. In many ways, it still does.

His passing was tragic, sudden, and tragic.

His passing was in the midst of my parenting. It felt like Justin took my heart with him to the grave. The day he died, a part of me did too.

The deep pain of indescribable heartache made me search for answers. I needed meaning for his loss. I needed to understand and learn how to heal a pain that had the ability to kill me too, if I let it.

As a mother to 2 remaining children, I knew they needed me. They needed me, their mother, their provider and their support person.

After some time in the thick fog of despair, I realised that my purpose was to be a mother to them, despite not being a mother to Justin anymore.

This took me months, even years to realise. It’s no secret that our darkest days teach us the most.

I learned, fast, that my sleepless nights and codependency needed to stop. I learned that I needed to keep living. I learned that the emotional roller coaster of shame and guilt had to stop.

I accepted this purpose being part of the process of living in a different kind of ‘normal’.

I also learned that it was important to be gentle with my inner self.

So, I chose to actively search and practice self-love. I chose to nurture my wounded and fragile heart and shield myself from the trauma of losing a child.

I can truly say to any grieving mother dealing with heartache and sleepless nights, I have been where you are.

That is why I am here today, for you.

I will lift your lifeless soul.

I will help you discover a new energy.

I will uncover your purpose for life.

I will remove your blame, shame, guilt and regrets.

I will show you how to co-exist with grief.

I will guide you to your new ‘normal’.

So, I’ve had a lot of mothers say, “Helen, how did you get through these terrifying times?”

I am here to tell you that you absolutely can.

Hello Lovely!

I'm Helen Glen, welcome to my blog.

I love to see women grow and achieve the lifestyle they are capable of. I love my coaching work and having a positive impact on the lives of female entrepreneurs. I find it very rewarding to see a woman transition from overwhelming grief to become passionate, have clarity, confidence and unbridled belief in her ability to succeed in business.

See my life & business coaching packages


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