April Maloney interviews Helen Glen
Helen Ena Glen supports grieving hearts and journals to furnish memories.
Life Coach & Business Coach & Grief Coach I found that, for some women, there were aspects of their personal life that were holding them back from achieving their business success, and that it was helping women with these aspects that I found most rewarding. Therefore, I completed training as a life coach, and began to focus on helping female entrepreneurs who wanted more than just a business coach. Through my own, personal experience, with the untimely loss of my mother, then father, and most significantly, my teenage son, I have learned a lot about how to deal with the loss of a loved one, and how the grieving process can interfere with running a successful business. I am passionate about putting the difficult lessons that I have learned to good use by helping women in business who are dealing with grief - especially women who have lost a baby or a child. Author of Empowerment Journals In 2019 I authored and self-published a set of five empowerment and personal development journals.
Heart Warrior Book Interview with co-author Helen Glen
Are you looking for inspiration to overcome adversity and find your inner strength? Look no further than "Heart Warrior," a powerful anthology of stories from 12 inspirational women who have triumphed over challenges and discovered their inner warriors.
One of the standout chapters is "Over the edge on faith" by co-author Helen Glen. In her chapter, Helen shares her journey of going from overwhelming grief to finding passion and confidence in both her personal and professional life as a female entrepreneur. Her unbridled belief in her ability to be happy again as she experiences FREEDOM from EMOTIONAL PAIN.
Embracing your dreams for mid life transformation
As a Manifesting Generator, Helen's highest expressions from her Hologenetic Profile are: Key #29 (life's Work): Transmuting Half-heartedness to Devotion Key #30 (Evolution): Transmuting Desire to Rapture Key #20 (Radiance): Transmuting Superficiality to Presence Key #34 (Purpose): Transmuting Force to Majesty Curious about your own energetic self? Wanting to unlock your inner geniuses based on your design? Book a 75-min 1:1 reading with me at https://bit.ly/basicHDGKreading
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Helen Glen as an International Speaker in Feb 2024 for the 262 Women
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If you would like to hear about Helen's personal journey leaving her abusive relationship with her three children and the trials and challenges she faced in trying to regain stability and security in her own life, please do not miss this episode.
This episode is very inspiring and will hopefully help you feel less alone in whatever challenges you face and more able to understand that there is no shame in reaching out for support while you are trying to get back on your feet again.
We touch on the need many women have to seek financial support from welfare in tough times and emphasize that there is no shame in this.
With the right support, you can recover from abuse and grief and loss and go on to live a full and happy life.
Helen has turned her pain into purpose and now helps women desiring transformational results to have clarity and a deeper connection with themselves.
Helen Glen is interviewed by Family lawyer Mrs. Nadia Messiah
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