Light up your future by healing grief compassionately, so you can enjoy more happiness in life moving forward.

When I suddenly lost my teenage son,

I wish I had been offered some of the healing tools and resources contained in this powerful Guide.

You've heard people say "Grief sucks!" Emotional stress makes it almost impossible to be motivated, and it takes courage to face a brand new day, and to take action steps and overcome the limits we place on ourselves after loss.

I understand because I have suffered many personal losses and much heartache, and consequently I found how to fasttrack the healing process and reclaimed happiness.

I share these healing tools of how I healed myself in a compassionate way that moved me through traumatic stress and healed my broken inner wounds. These secrets are revealed so that you can freely and privately access ways for ‘Reclaiming Happiness: Holistic Approach to Healing Grief’ in this 6-week online course. (don't worry it won't disappear after 6 weeks, it's yours to keep!)

I want you to have a 24/7 accessibility to this ‘go-to holistic self-healing’ program so that even at 2 am you can listen to a soothing voice and be able to understand that what you are going through is normal, so it is okay during the grieving process to have multiple degrees of feelings. You will find FREEDOM by using your ‘free will’ to heal yourself with mindfulness.

Women who draw on their strength, courage and unwavering commitment will succeed

In this step-by-step course, the short videos reveal healing tools and practices that are soul centered and neuroscience-based, These are proven to have ultimate healing effects on body, mind and spirit by daily and consistent practice, encouraging self-kindness and compassion while healing after a loss. 

Both ancient and modern Healers have used holistic healing tools with great success. With the ‘Reclaiming Happiness: Holistic Approach to Healing Grief’ course, you will learn how to heal yourself compassionately so that you can smile again by finding happiness and success that you unapologetically deserve. 

To shift deep wounds takes time, but here you can quicken the healing process by adopting a personal plan of daily rituals or practices suggested in the ‘Reclaiming Happiness: Holistic Approach to Healing Grief’ to transform your mindset so you can reclaim happiness and success in 6-weeks together.

By consistently using the techniques in this course (by making a habit of it, practicing the rituals day after day, night after night) my energy started shifting ever more quickly until a powerful transformation was complete.

Oh! What a euphoric feeling to experience happiness again!

I believed I could, and so can you.

Just as the waves come and bathe the shore, leaving an impression on the sands of glistening splendour, they then must go out again to join the vast ocean, so it is with life in the waves of time.

- Helen Glen

Course Content

“Reclaiming Happiness: Holistic Approach to Healing Grief” Is an amazing 6-week mini-course that is absolutely invaluable!

6 Ways to embrace “Reclaiming Happiness: Holistic Approach to Healing Grief ”

A holistic approach to embracing healing body, mind, and spirit in a way you have never experienced before.

Access to a comprehensive mindset relief toolbox for fast-changing moods.

Ways to enhance newfound self-love, and self-empowerment to bring back balance into your life. 

You will have 24/7 access to ancient and modern practices and rituals for healing internal wounds all in one place.

Experience positive energy to go from a sad and troubled state to reconnect with happiness and allow calmness to flow

Experience freedom from pain and sorrow just as a butterfly casts off the caterpillar cocoon to FREE YOURSELF compassionately.

Get $333 worth of Bonuses FREE.

Going through profound loss is an experience that most of us are never fully prepared for.

No one is ready for this unexpected situation. Yet when it happens, our unpreparedness can make us feel we are spiralling down the rabbit hole of grief and despair.

I created this course:

Reclaiming Happiness: Holistic Approach to Healing

Because I've been there and understand, and
I want to help you
empower self-healing in a comprehensive and compassionate way


I have a FREE BONUS offer!

It will help you better understand what YOU are facing and
feeling right now, starting right here.

“You are precious! Give yourself as many chances as you need to heal yourself compassionately. Grief doesn’t keep score. Don't let grief hold you hostage. Just keep learning, and keep on going, believe me, it gets easier."








Book in for a free discovery call with me

Women Heal together…Because we understand each other.

Grief and loss are part of life. These unavoidable emotions are felt because we love and attach ourselves emotionally to others. It is through this love that we feel the intense personal pain of loss and grief.

However, we can all learn to understand the grieving process and how to cope better.

Our perceptions must be to value ourselves as we value others, so that we live according to our own values, and learn to come back to being present and balanced again.

You deserve to be HAPPY again! My wish for you is to begin from now to learn how to cope, move forward and shine your light brightly, so you can navigate a happier and more peaceful life for yourself and those around you.

I believe in you!

With much love and hugs here’s to your success, and continued love in pursuit of healing after the loss of a loved one. Take advantage of this valuable course, it is packed with goodness.

Are you in pursuit of healing after the loss of a loved one?

I have the answer for you right here, right now!

You will learn how to cope through the GRIEVING process.

Get access now before it's gone at this amazing price, with amazing 24/7 access for this 6-week healing course with a comprehensive healing toolbox, useful tips, and holistic resources.

It's only $99.00 for you to keep for as long as you want to.

GET ACCESS NOW "Reclaiming Happiness: Holistic Approach to Healing Grief "

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“You are precious! Give yourself as many chances as you need to heal yourself compassionately. Grief doesn’t keep score. Don't let grief hold you hostage. Just keep learning, and keep on going, believe me, it gets easier."

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